Available OnDemand 

When it comes to construction schedules, the industry has seen a lot of change. Previously, updates to project schedules were being done through word of mouth and on the fly - creating a lack of understanding and consistency that lead to different teams working in different silos.

The construction industry has greatly evolved, primarily through the implementation of 4D. 4D planning creates strong, data based connections​ among multiples schedules, enabling more efficient workflows, understanding, and clarity between parties​.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to sync multiple schedules​ to enable better workflow connections, understanding, and transparency between parties​
  • How data-based schedules combined with the act of bringing schedules together enables earlier and more efficient planning
  • How this way of scheduling minimizes risks and ties different disciplines stronger to the project​

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Webinar Presenters

Ruben Minjauw

Ruben Minjauw

SYNCHRO Sales Engineer
Bentley Systems


Risto Ranne

Group Lead

Ruben is a Virtual Design Construction enthusiast, working with engineering companies all over EMEA, helping them to realise the benefit of integrating construction planning solutions into their workflow.

He is absorbed in digitalisation and its progress in transforming our lives as individuals and as a society.

Ruben Linkedin

Risto has lately been focusing a lot on the productization of Granlund services. He takes care of the daily operations, but is also involved a lot in product development and the exploration of new technologies. 

He is highly interested in 4D and the digital management of construction. Risto is excited to see all the cool new technology in regular daily work around the globe.

Risto Linkedin