Structural Integrity Management for Fixed Offshore Platforms
On-Demand Available
While decommissioning starts to become the focus on aging offshore assets, there is still a great demand for companies to continue to invest in extending the field-life of their projects. Field-life extension is an excellent way of managing resources as it creates high value of established field and helps companies stay profitable and sustainable.
Modifying existing oil and gas platforms in order to extend their lifespan is no easy feat for the offshore industry. Structural Integrity Management (SIM) is an ongoing lifecycle process for ensuring the continued fit-for-purpose of offshore structures.
In this webinar, our offshore expert Kaushik Mukherjee and Teresia Suryasindhu will discuss:
- Market outlook on Structural Integrity Management of old and reusable assets
- Typical workflow of a typical structural integrity assessment for stationary offshore assets
- How SACS helps with integrity assessments
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Webinar Presenters
Minh Pham
Product Consultant
Minh started off his career as an Offshore Structural Engineer in an industry-leading engineering firm. With 12 years working in the oil and gas industry, he gained a wide spectrum of experience including structural detailed design of offshore platforms, FPSO topsides and subsea flowline installation engineering. He was also involved in fabrication supervision and was responsible for various offshore operations such as transportation, structures installation, FPSO mooring installation and hook-up. As a Product Consultant at Bentley’s Virtuosity, Minh helps professionals across SEA & India solve their complex offshore engineering problems and improve their analysis and design workflows.

Kaushik Mukherjee
Manager, User Success
Kaushik is an expert in the field of Civil Engineering, Structural Integrity, Geotechnical and Offshore. He has experience working in various eminent organizations and before joining Bentley. He has previously worked in PETRONAS, Malaysia, McDermott Asia Pacific, Singapore, and Lloyd’s Register EMEA, UK. Kaushik has over 15 publications in international conferences and journals. He is also a member of several international Technical Committees of repute, affiliations, academic institution and standard development. As a User Success Manager at Bentley’s Virtuosity, Kaushik helps professionals across SEA & India solve their offshore engineering related problems in Structural, Geotechnical & Integrity and improve their analysis and design experience.

Teresia Suryasindhu
Structural Product Consultant
With experience in both local and international projects, Teresia has gained 15 years of professional experience as Lead Structural Engineer and Construction Manager managing the design, construction, project management until installation and commissioning for offshore structures, oil and gas and FPSO industries. She has extensive exposure to design of buildings, warehouses, and shopping malls. Being a regional Product Specialist with Bentley Systems and Virtuosity, she consistently provides insights and advises organizations for adopting the right solution suitable for their projects requirement in achieving optimum result and improving the workflow.