Level 1 - Vessel Power: Explore the Capabilities of Vessel Creation
Available On-Demand
Whether it's vertical or horizontal vessels, on skirt or saddles, the size of a human or multiple stories high...AutoPIPE Vessel models any type of vessel. Proceed from scratch designs to technical drawings to an extensive report. AutoPIPE Vessel features the biggest selection of pressure codes on the market. Change from one to another with just a couple of clicks. You can adjust dates, adapt reports to different language or units, and optimize your designs with automatic tools.
You will learn about:
- Comprehensive and close-to-reality modelling
- Creating a vessel from scratch
- Reporting and drawing tools

Level 2 - Heat Exchangers: A Bundle of Possibilities
Available On-Demand
Do you want to find out how many tubes can fit? Need more passes or a crossed flow? Simplify the complexity of a bundle layout with AutoPIPE Vessel. Adapt and change your layout by clicking and dragging or let automatic algorithms explore new possibilities. Got thermal data already in hand? Import it and get the model done in minutes. Vertical or horizontal, single or stacked, AutoPIPE Vessel takes you though the whole process of designing a performing heat exchanger.
You will learn about:
- Types of heat exchanger
- Bundle layout wizard
- Adapting designs to your needs

Watch On-Demand
Webinar Presenters
Vivianne Genin
Application Engineer, AutoPIPE Vessel
Virtuosity, a Bentley Company
Vivianne is a Mechanical Engineer who graduated from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. She has three years of experience in industrial projects engineering.
She joined Bentley in 2017 as a developer on the AutoPIPE Vessel team. In 2021, she moved to a new position as Application Engineer.

Shoyeb Ali
Product Sales Engineer
Virtuosity, A Bentley Company
Shoyeb Ali is a product sales consultant at virtuosity. He is also a licensed structural engineer for multi-story buildings in Dubai Municipality. He is focused on helping the engineering community seamlessly accomplish their projects via Bentley’s simulation software. Prior to joining Virtuosity, he worked as a Structural Engineer in the United Arab Emirates on some of the region's biggest projects. His expertise is in reinforced concrete design, post-tensioned concrete, structural steel, façade structural design and Temporary Engineering.