Available OnDemand
OpenBridge Designer is a one-stop solution for bridge engineers and CAD engineers, with its intuitive modeling interface, advanced analysis and design capabilities along with support for major design codes and efficient workflow process. OpenBridge Designer is the ideal solution for prestress bridges.
In this webinar, we will discuss how to easily model and analyze prestressing tendons and behavior of prestress concrete bridges. We will also show you the most intuitive way to model the entire superstructure and substructure with OpenBridge Designer.
In this webinar, you will learn about:
- Understanding the Virtuosity licensing model
- Basic concept the of OpenBridge Designer for prestressed bridges
- Modelling, analysis and interpretation of prestress tendons forces in OpenBridge Designer
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Webinar Presenters

Sri Rama Krishna
Product Sales Engineer
Virtuosity, A Bentley Company
Sri Rama Krishna is an experienced professional with a demonstrated history of working in the CAE/CAD industry. He has total experience of close to 7 years, and currently, working in Bentley Systems India, as Product Sales Engineer. Sri Rama Krishna started off his career as an Engineer in Bridge Consultancy Industry. As a Product Engineer at Bentley’s Virtuosity, he helps professionals across India solve their complex Structural engineering problems and improve their analysis and design workflows by providing best practices.

JeanPierre Chanard
Senior Application Engineer, Bridge & Tunnels
Bentley Systems
Jean-Pierre is a structure engineer, specialized in bridge analysis and design. His career began 40 years ago in bridge design at Campenon Bernard (now Vinci) in Paris. Jean-Pierre started CAD implementation in the eighty. Jean-Pierre has worked at Bentley for 22 years in the civil department, and more than 10 years in the bridge department. He specializes in bridge design and analysis. Jean-Pierre also teaches at Ecole des Ponts et Chaussée, engineer school in Paris.