Available OnDemand
With OpenBridge Designer, we support every step for bridge design and construction. From the early creation of the various alternatives of the bridge to the optimized structure and best solution, OpenBridge Designer will supply all tools for accurate geometric model creation, drawing generation, structural analysis according , and optimization according to design code. Construction stages will be analyzed simplifying erection process.
In this webinar, we will showcase:
- Understanding the Virtuosity licensing model
- How to easily build a bridge with its environment inherited from other civil product.
- How to build piece by piece an interactive and dynamic model of the bridge
- How to easily generate an analytic model and optimized the design
- How to produce accurate documents that will update with every design change
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Webinar Presenters

Sri Rama Krishna
Product Sales Engineer
Virtuosity, A Bentley Company
Sri Rama Krishna is an experienced professional with a demonstrated history of working in the CAE/CAD industry. He has total experience of close to 7 years, and currently, working in Bentley Systems India, as Product Sales Engineer. Sri Rama Krishna started off his career as a Engineer in Bridge Consultancy Industry. As a Product Engineer at Bentley’s Virtuosity, he helps professionals across India solve their complex Structural engineering problems and improve their analysis and design workflows by providing best practices.

Jean-Pierre CHANARD
Senior Application Engineer, Bridge and Tunnel
Graduated as a structural Engineer, JP CHANARD started his carrer at Campenon Bernard, as a bridge engineer, learning from masters as Eugene Freyssinet or Jean Muller who invented prestressing and precast segments. After 1à years in civil department at Bentley, He joined the recently created Bridge department as Application engineer to support both creation and analysis of Bridges.