Available On-Demand
When it comes to leading bridge projects, we understand your concern to deliver quality plan sets meeting DOT requirements. Digital Project Deliverables is not just a buzzword but a reality that owner-operators are looking to implement now. 3D models are the new norm while delivering 2D plan sets directly from the model. These new CADD requirements require a new way of working. It is up to us, the consultants, to make it happen while complying with new CADD and BIM standards deliverables.
This June, Texas DOT, like 12 other DOTs, moved into an OpenBridge platform creating workspaces for new projects. We know that the transportation industry is transitioning to BIM, and it’s happening fast. So, you must make sure you are transitioning together or quicker than your client to stay up to date and comply with the new standard.
Let's explore OpenBridge Modeler and how it creates 3D models while automating 2D plan sets, as well as how you can use ProjectWise to organize and share files. Of course, you can do all of that by following specific DOT standards and implementing the proper OpenBridge workspace tools.
In this webinar, you will learn about:
- How to comply with your client’s CADD and BIM Standards using Workspaces
- Workspace: what, why, where, how, and where?
- Create 3D parametric bridge models with the proper LOD
- Compute accurate quantity and geometry reports
- Generate plan sets directly from the 3D model
- How to organize your files connecting with ProjectWise
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Webinar Presenters

Jossua Mejia
Product Sales Engineer
Virtuosity, A Bentley Company
Jossua Mejia is a civil engineer with a master’s degree in civil engineering-construction. After 6 years of experience working in bridge and roadway projects, Jossua joined our Virtuosity’s team in Latin America as a Product Sales Engineer for Civil Design solutions. Jossua’s goal is to assist companies and professionals of infrastructure to accelerate their workflow by adopting the latest technology with innovative software to solve your critical business issues and to deliver quality.

Alex Mabrich PE, MSc, MBA, PMP
Manager, Product Management Bridge & Tunnel
Bentley Systems, Inc.
Mr. Mabrich joined the Bentley Systems team 29 years ago. Alex provides consulting, training, and support services for multidisciplinary design projects. His bridge, roadway, site, drainage, and geotechnical expertise range from resurfacing roadway projects thru complex multilevel interchanges in the Americas, Asia and Europe.
Registered PE in Florida, he graduated from Universidad Ricardo Palma in Lima, Peru in 1988, and obtained his Master of Science in Civil Engineering degree from Florida International University in 1996 and his Master in Business Administration at Saint Thomas University in 2017. He also holds a Project Management Professional certification from the Project Management Institute.
Mr. Mabrich is also a recognized speaker in Civil and Geotechnical Conferences with papers published in conferences in the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, and Peru.