Available On Demand
Join Joshua Bearss, Production Technology Manager at DRMP, as he presents his experience working on two adjoining projects to widen Florida’s Turnpike from 4 lanes to 8 lanes through 3 interchanges. The two projects span roughly 12 miles, with the first currently beginning construction and the second in the final stages of design.
The projects required roadway, drainage, structures, lighting, ITS and tolling improvements to the corridor. Due to existing topography and limited right-of-way take opportunities, roadside slopes and barriers were critical to advance design.
These design decisions included collaborating with multiple disciplines in tight corridors to ensure each discipline’s design is complete. Developing 3D models allows for design changes to be processed more quickly through plans production.
What you will learn:
- How to use your 3D model to identify where cross sections may not find conflict due to traditional cross section spacing.
- How to improve plan production through 3D model efficiencies.
- Proving plan and profile designs work together. How to converge areas such as ramp gores through 3D models.
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Webinar Presenters
Robert Baxley
Product Sales Engineer
Virtuosity, a Bentley Company
Robert is an experienced Civil Engineer in both the Site and Roadway industries. With over 3 years of experience in these industries, Robert has become an expert in the Civil Engineering data applications.. As a Product Sales Engineer at Virtuosity, Robert helps professionals across North America to realize the value of OpenRoads Designer to their workflows.
Joshua Bearss
Production Technology Manager
Joshua Bearss’ experience includes 8 years of Roadway Design focusing on Limited Access Capacity Projects. He is skilled in multiple Bentley platforms including OpenRoads Designer, MicroStation SS10, ProjectWise, OpenRoads ConceptStation and LumenRT. Josh has recently transitioned to DRMP’s Production Technology Manager where he works with all of DRMP’s disciplines to improve design efficiencies utilizing 3D models. Josh has worked on multiple projects where a 3D model is a project deliverable to the Contractor.