Available OnDemand
Today’s bridge engineers need to deliver projects faster than traditional workflows can support. Modern bridge teams need to create precise views, models, documents, and reports as well as visualize information-rich 2D and 3D designs. How can you meet these requirements? OpenBridge Designer is your all-in-one solution for better bridge design, modeling, and analysis.
Join us for a free webinar where our product experts will take you step by step through the process and see for yourself how OpenBridge Designer can help you deliver better bridge projects faster.
In this webinar, we will showcase:
- How to increase efficiency and reduce design time with OpenBridge Designer using a Bridge Information Modelling (BrIM) approach.
- How to accelerate project delivery. Take advantage of the interoperability between the physical bridge model (OpenBridge Modeler) and the analytical interface (RM Enterprise) to help you design and model your bridge projects faster.
- The analysis capabilities in RM Bridge as well as new features (RSI Wizard and more).
- How to quickly produce project deliverables (2D drawings, quantity report, geometry report) from the bridge 3D model.
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Webinar Presenters

KC Teow
Product Sales Engineer
Bentley Systems
KC has been involved in the infrastructure industry since 2006 spanning across the Middle East and Southeast Asia in various capacities. His experience in the Middle East includes stints with Gamuda, a large international infrastructure contractor, followed by Fugro, a world-renowned geotechnical service provider. He then served the Land Transport Authority of Singapore, managing their road infrastructure projects, and then moved on to practice civil & traffic design with Beca Carter, Ferner & Hollings Pte Ltd. He is now with Bentley Systems advocating the use of software technology for road and rail infrastructure design in a BIM process.
Yujin Lee
Senior Application Engineer, Bridge & Tunnel, Civil Infrastructure
Bentley Systems
Mr. Lee joined Bentley Systems in 2012 as a Senior Application Engineer with the Bentley Bridge Information Modeling group. With more than 14 years of experience in roadway, rail, and bridge projects, he is highly experienced in the best industry practices and civil software implementation. Mr. Lee provides consulting and training services to companies in the Asia-Pacific region.