An exciting new release of MicroStation is now available! With new feature updates, geospatial context advancements, and increased CAD capabilities, the leading CAD for infrastructure just got even better.

MicroStation 2023 incorporates new capabilities, improved workflows, and several user experience enhancements, with focus on advanced geospatial features and maps, issue resolution improvements, and enhanced data reporting. 

MicroStation 2023’s new native geospatial capabilities bring together all the tools needed to access contextual data from thousands of systems to design in real-world context, including support of the Esri ArcGIS™ REST Feature Service as well as background maps from several sources: Esri ArcGIS™ REST map Service, Microsoft Bing Maps, the Web Map Service (WMS) from OGC (WMS) and the Web Map Tiled Service (WMTS) from OGC. 

Ready to Get Started?

MicroStation is easy to use and master through a configurable environment with in-app learning, video tutorials, and extensive support that allows you to become an expert in no time.

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MicroStation is the CAD of Choice for Infrastructure Design Projects

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Report everything, to inform everyone.

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Model anything,


Read and consolidate anything.


The Details Matter

View our comparison chart to see a side-by-side comparison of features.