Available OnDemand
When designing or rehabilitating water distribution networks, meeting client needs and delivering the design in a fast, cost-effective, and efficient manner—without compromising the reliability and performance of the network—is crucial.
To meet these challenges, using an intelligent model to help with designing your water supply network is critical. OpenFlows WaterGEMS is Virtuosity’s most comprehensive hydraulic modeling software and is ideal for assisting in network design.
Join us for this free webinar to explore how OpenFlows WaterGEMS can provide you with the tool sets and capabilities necessary to enhance your optimization and project deliverables.
Join the session to learn how to:
- Optimize model design and operations
- Pump selection and tank size/placement
- Master planning
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Webinar Presenters
Tom Walski
Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE,
Thomas Walski is a senior product manager at Bentley Systems, Inc. He has 40 years of experience in applied hydraulics. He is author of hundreds of journal papers and conference presentations and is the author or co-author of several books. He has won numerous awards for his work such as the best distribution and plant operation paper in the Journal AWWA on three occasions. In addition to developing software, he has served as a distribution system operations manager, engineering manager for a large water company, executive director at a regional sewer system and a university professor.

Diego Rodriguez
Product Sales Engineer, Water Infrastructure
Virtuosity, a Bentley Company
Diego Rodriguez is a Product Sales Engineer at Virtuosity, A Bentley Company. After obtaining a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering, Diego worked as a Water/Wastewater Engineer specializing in stormwater related projects. Diego has experience working with Combined Sewer Systems, stormwater management, drainage design, and Site development.